Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You Like Me; You Really Like Me?

-- So...

Yours truly has been nominated for best blog/blogger in the Southern Minnesota Scene publication.

I could just say, "Vote for me!" and smile and kiss a baby and move on.  But I actually want to tell you why.  Sincerely

I'm a writer.  Crazy.  I know.  You never would've figured.  But there wasn't a "Best Writer" category in the mix of categories.  I'm a passionate author with three books under his belt (not in a dirty way), all released exactly within one year.  So, even though there's less than a dozen entries here on my blog, I feel like I'm a good writer, and being recognized regardless would mean the universe to me.

It means that at least one more person would know my name, and that would help.


I care about humanity, and humor, and how funny and sad and dreadful and hopeful this world can be.  I'm vulgar, but I care so much it hurts.  I laugh and poke fun but I cry more than anyone else you know.

And my words wear the heart on my paper sleeves.

So, that's why you should vote for me, and ask your grandma to vote for me, too.

Also, free nachos and slushies in the cafeteria.

I promise.

Vote Here.

- D

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